PhD Student (2021-2024)
Gontran studies the impact and transmission of seed microbiota to seedlings using synthetic community inoculation on bean as part of the SUCSEED project
Funded by INRAE Metaprogramme Holoflux and Région Pays de la Loire
Funded by INRAE Metaprogramme Holoflux and Région Pays de la Loire
PhD Student (2023-2026)
Louna studies the impact of seed microbiota on germination and bean seedling metabolism. She also investigates the potential of synthetic communities to limit the impact of damping-off by soil-borne pathogens as part of the SUCSEED project.
Funded by ENS
Funded by ENS
PhD Student (2023-2026)
Logan studies plant microbiota engineering using synthetic community inoculation on rapeseed flowers, fruits and seeds. He is looking for consortia of bacteria, yeast and filamentous fungi able to limit the seed transmission on fungal pathogen Alternaria brassicicola as part of the SUCSEED project.
Funded by INRAE Metaprogramme Holoflux and Région Pays de la Loire
Funded by INRAE Metaprogramme Holoflux and Région Pays de la Loire